Weight: 14lbs 6oz
- She can roll over from belly to back. She does it so quick, you can't hardly keep her on her belly.
- She has discovered her voice. You can hear her "loud and clear!" (Things just got a lot louder in my house...)
- She has started rice cereal this week. She didn't care for it the first time we gave it to her, but after a few tries she started to like it a lot more. She doesn't like it if it doesn't come fast enough...
- She loves her bottle. When she wants her bottle, she will scream until she has tears if she doesn't get it right away. Little girl has quite the attitude.
- She loves her big sister and big brother. It is so sweet to watch how big her smile gets when they talk to her.
- She is learning her know. For the most part, if you call her name she will try to find you.
- She likes to watch tv (for a few minutes).
- She has started to try and put toys in her mouth. She isn't super successful, but she tries.
- We have tried to let her sleep in her crib at night, and we were successful one night, but life has been so crazy lately that I have just been putting her in the bassinet still. (One of these days she will sleep in her own room!)
- She still loves bath time, and bath time is serious business...much like her bottle. When she's ready, she's ready...lol.
- She has started to grab at her toes. It's pretty funny because of how much her belly gets in the way. Those sweet chubby thighs and cheeks are so perfect!
Meredith Anne, we love you so much baby girl!