Monday, August 13, 2018

Meredith Anne | 6 Months Old

It's my baby girl's half birthday already!
It just doesn't seem possible! 
She is changing and growing so fast!

Weight: 16lb 8.5oz
  • We are finally making strides with her sleeping in the crib! She still wakes up 2-3 times in the night wanting a passy or 2oz of milk, but she is making it through the night in the crib without being moved to the bassinet! We figured out that she loves a very large sleep sack, a certain music box album, & sleeping on her side! PROGRESS.
  • She hates...HATES....all fruits, but she LOVES veggies. Carrots are her favorite. She isn't lacking in nutrition, so that is good. Hopefully she will learn to love fruits one day! 
  • She loves oatmeal for breakfast.
  • She has the rolling-all-over-the-place down pat for the most part. She can roll both ways, but she still has to work at getting on her belly.
  • She loves playing in her exasaucer for short periods of time. Her toes don't quite touch the floor, so she gets aggravated. (We put a pillow under her, and she just kicks it out of the way.) 
  • She can say "mamamama!" I'm sure it's not directed towards me, but hey...she says "Mama!" 
  • She loves playing with her toy rings, and making noise with them.
  • She also love to make noise with her voice. Very loud noises...
  • She is obsessed with textures and scratching things.
  • She loves her wubbanub and chewing on tags.
  • She loves to give open mouth kisses, and she gets so proud of herself after she gives you one! The smile on her face is huge! Seriously, the sweetest thing you've ever seen!
  • She loves to do "Old Uncle Sam" with Daddy. Her favorite part is being tipped backwards! It's so funny!
  • She is such a happy baby, loves attention, and loves her big sister & big brother!
She brings such joy to our family! We love her so much!

Monday, August 6, 2018

Family Vacation | Redington Shores | Redington Towers Condominiums | St. Petersburg, FL | 2018

Every year (minus last year) for the past nine years, our family has been going to Redington Towers for our annual family vacation. We have so many fun memories there, and we just keeping adding more along the way...not too mention, the grandchildren continue to multiply!

This beach is extra special to Jason and I because it is the exact place where he proposed to me nine years ago. Saying yes we definitely the best decision I ever made! I love doing life with him by my side!

These photos are only a glimpse at the fun we had while all together! We are so thankful for the couple that allow our family to vacate to their condo for a few days each year!